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Walnüsse in Schale

3,50 12,00 

📌 Produkt erster Qualität
📌 Gesunde Walnüsse in der Schale
📌 Frisch und hochwertig
📌 Produkt geeignet für kühle und trockene Orte



Walnüsse in Schale

The walnut is the result of a plant from the Asian continent. This is of course, also present on the Italian peninsula.

One of the main characteristics of the walnut is, without a shadow of a doubt, that of being a decidedly vigorous tree, in addition to the fact of being able to count a valid and solid trunk, characterized by a majestic bearing.

The walnut plant is also characterized by ensuring the presence of extremely robust roots that can be developed considerably in depth.

The fruits of this tree have always been considered a food rich in nutritional properties and health benefits. Sources of vegetable protein, energy and omega 3, nuts, are particularly popular as an afternoon snack.

Omega 3 acids help to control the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, prevent arteriosclerosis and, it would seem, also fight fatigue

Die Walnüsse in Schale werden von Ihren Bestellungen auf unserer Website unberührt verpackt. Egal wo Sie sich in Deutschland befinden, es kommt nach dem Versand bei Ihnen an, ohne an Frische zu verlieren.


Nährwerte 100 g
Brennwert in (kJ) 700 kcal
Brennwert in (kcal) 2929 kj
Fett 67 g
gesättigte Fettsäuren 6,8 g
Kohlenhydrate 8,53 g
davon Zucker 5,25 g
Eiweiß 15,7 g

Zusätzliche Informationen

Weight N/A

250g, 500g, 1000g


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